Young Empowered Survivors Support Group for Young Women in all Stages of their Cancer Journey.
14646 East 13th Circle Aurora CO 80011
Young Empowered Survivors (YES!) helps connect young women dealing with a cancer diagnosis. The group focuses on support, empowerment, sharing perspectives and resources so that our members don't feel alone as they go through their cancer diagnosis and treatment. YES! provides a safe, supportive environment to do so. The members of YES! have generally been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 45, but we don't put constraints on the word "young." If you feel that you can benefit from our group, we welcome you!
What We Do
Young Empowered Survivors is primarily an online resource. We have an active message board for members to share questions, ideas and helpful resources. We also meet once a quarter in a casual setting to allow members to spend time with others who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. We encourage new members to get together with other members of the group.
How To Join:
Please send an email to us at List your type of cancer, age at diagnosis and where you live.
Facebook Group
Bring Your Brave
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. While breast cancer mostly occurs among older women, in rare cases breast cancer does affect women under the age of 45. Eleven percent of all cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are reported in this age group. Risk for breast cancer among young women varies based on factors such as family and personal history of cancer. Many young women do not know their risk for this disease or are not aware of ways to lower their risk.
The Bring Your Brave campaign provides information about breast cancer to women younger than age 45 by sharing real stories about young women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer.
Young Empowered Survivors Support Group for Young Women in all Stages of their Cancer Journey.
14646 East 13th Circle Aurora CO 80011